Monday, May 29, 2006

I feel like a ping pong ball. I finally convince myself it is over, and then he does something to make me question it. Yesterday, he came over with a lame excuse about returning my daughter's bracelet. Then he said he would pick up the papers for his puppy. Yet he had every intention of coming over on Monday. Couldn't it wait?
Then today, I have to hear more about Miss Perfect. How he drove all the way over to her house just to give her a hug because she had a bad day.
I am so sick of hearing how perfect she is. She lives with her perfect sister and her perfect kids in their perfect house and go to their perfect jobs. If it keeps up anymore, I can't be held responsible for what happens.
Perfect perfect perfect. Blah, blah, blah.
So I have to hear all about Miss Perfect. Then why did you come over here on Sunday? It just makes no sense. I can accept he doesn't want me, but don't screw with me and make excuses to come over here then deny you had any ulterior motive. Quit fucking with my mind. I can't take much more.

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