Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I was doing so well. I hadn't cried in over a week. I actually thought I might make it. I thought the sun was peeking through.


It is all falling apart. Do you know what it feels like to think no one wants you? Not only is it a blow to your ego, it hurts alot.
My husband told me not to hug him anymore because apparently I hurt him when I hug him (physically not emotionally). I am not that big of a person. He is still bigger than me. How is that possible.
Then my "friend" told me he loves Ms. Perfect and will never love me that way. Ouch.
Then a person I thought might be interested in me announces to me he has the hots for another friend of mine. She is tall, thin and blonde. How can you compete with that? I guess I read all those people wrong. I really thought at least one of them could love me.

Why do I bother even getting up in the morning. It is just a huge waste of time. I can be replaced by a maid and a calendar. Why should I even bother trying. I think I will just give up. All the fight has gone out of me. I just can't care anymore.

I am done

1 comment:

Leigh said...

*hugs* Your not alone in this world you know. You sound like you are having a week like I am. Take a deep breath and put that one foot in front of the other one and keep moving. You will get through this, it is just a bump in the road. Everything happens for a reason. You Mr Right is out there. Trust me!!